Awards: AUX Plaque of Merit Ribbon/Medal

$0.59 - $2.45
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USCG Auxiliary Plaque of Merit

The Auxiliary Plaque of Merit is given to Auxiliarists in recognition of extreme skill in performing an assist or rescue that involves risk to the Auxiliarist¿s life. The Auxiliary Plaque of Merit may be awarded by any Flag officer with Chief Director of Auxiliary concurrence.

This award recognizes heroism in the face of grave personal risk and which clearly stands out as above normal expectations. The key aspects of performance for award of the Auxiliary Plaque of Merit are extreme skill, assist or rescue, and risk to the Auxiliarist¿s life. As can be seen, the Auxiliary Plaque of Merit can only be given for an assist, or rescue. The Auxiliarist must have exercised extreme skill, as opposed to just skill required for the Medal of Operational Merit. Lastly, there must have been risk to the Auxiliarist¿s life. Neither the assist nor rescue need be successful, only that the action required extreme skill and was performed or attempted at risk to the Auxiliarist¿s life.