Patrol: Skiff Hook bracket only for item 81425

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    good product, use with 1/2" clips

    Posted by T.W. Cook on 26th Jan 2023

    The only difference between the cheaper 81426 and the 81427 is the width of the slot, that is, the size of the clip it will accommodate. Both are good quality pieces by Wichard. The 81426 can accommodate a clip made of 3/8" (10mm) stock (typically a 4" clip), while the 81427 can take up to 1/2" (12mm) - that is, the 81426 has a 3/8" wide slot, while the 81427 has a 1/2" wide slot. If you are using a 3/8" wide clip (about 4" long), which is probably plenty big for most inland Auxiliary use, then this 81427 will work but is not as good because the clip will fit loosely and is harder to control as it will flop side to side. The 1/2" clips are a little less than an inch longer, but have a significantly greater breaking strength which might matter if you have a powerful facility or face difficult weather conditions. The 3/8" "marine safety clip" that I got has a breaking load of 4950 lbs; same clip in 1/2" breaks at 8030 lbs. There are plenty of inexpensive sources for these clips (but check the specs, make sure you get real 316 stainless and good breaking strengths), while it is convenient to buy the set here, I chose to get this bracket here and then get several clips that I can leave attached to various lines.